Meeting date, time, and location are to be determined at the first informational meeting.

This Mastermind is accepting new members.

The Ministry Mastermind Group follows a pretty typical format. We spend time talking about how our week has gone, what we’re doing to achieve our individual and business goals, and helping each other solve important business challenges. Each time we meet, one of us will be on the “hot seat,” which offers us an opportunity to do a deep dive into a topic or decision that is weighing on our mind. It’s a chance to learn from other people who face similar challenges as they run their own one-person operation.

This Mastermind Group is aimed at people who work in non-profit organizations that center around faith based activities within their business. We are positive and passionate people who are serious about making a Lasting impact on our community.

If that describes, you, I encourage you to apply to become a member using the form on this page.

Scott Brown

Mastermind Facilitator 

Tom Lauber, Sr.
CEO of Nets of Arukah Ministries, Inc. 

Request to Join

If you’d like to be a part of the B2B Mastermind Group, submit your information below. Scott will contact you to determine fit and talk about next steps.