Request to meet with SBDC's resident B2B sales expert
Sales Training Package
While we typically work with business owners on a 1-on-1 basis, we sometimes provide customized training and support for their key sales employees as well. Our B2B sales coach can help you design a new or improved sales process (funnel), teach you how to maximize your CRM for sales success, and can even observe you while you make prospect calls, whether on the phone or in person, and provide helpful feedback afterward.
Design Your Sales Process
We will help you design or adjust your current sales funnel so that you are capturing leads throughout the customer journey and converting those leads into paying customers over time. In the end, you’ll have a custom-created process your company can use to prospect for new customers, determine whether they are a qualified buyer, identify potential sales opportunities, and close the deal.
Sales Database Design and Training
Are you documenting and analyzing your relationships with your customers and prospects? For most B2B companies, you really should be, and we can help with that too.
Our sales experts have been using CRM databases for many years and know how to use them to their full potential, allowing a company to realize huge gains in sales and improve customer service. We’ll help you evaluate your alternatives, figure out what information to collect from your leads and customers, and create systems and processes to make sure your sales team is fully utilizing the CRM features that are going to fuel your growth.
Sales Call Coaching
Successful selling requires a great deal of finesse and soft skills. Something our business coaches have honed over decades of sales experience. Now, small business owners can invite their advisor to sit in on their sales calls, whether made over the phone or out on the road (local sales calls only). We will provide advice prior to the call, quietly observe during the call, and offer valuable feedback afterward. All of this is done in a very comfortable and natural way that would never affect the outcome of the meeting.