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Business Plan Development
One of the most common requests we get here at the SBDC is to help someone create a business plan prior to them launching a new company. Oftentimes, this is at the request of a financial institution when the business owner is seeking a startup loan, but many people just want to tease out the idea they have in their head before they jump into a new venture with both feet.
To be certain, starting a business is always a risk, but with a well-researched and smart business plan, this is much more of a calculated risk than a shot-in-the-dark.
Our comprehensive and thorough business planning process takes a while to get through, but the results are worth the effort. It’s worth noting that our business coaches are instructed to meet with you at a pace that works for you. Some people can get through the entire process in a few weeks, while others are more likely to take a few months. Our goal is to help you continue to make steady progress and to guide you along the way. Here’s how this process typically works:
Meeting #1 – Business Planning Prep
- Discuss your business concept and your short and long-term goals for the company
- Develop a customized business plan template specific for your type of business
- Briefly review each of the sections of the business plan and prepare you for your first “homework” assignments
Meeting #2 – Business Concept Review
- Describe your business concept and the background information (story) about why you are starting the company
- Review your mission, vision, and core values
- Summarize market research about your industry, local market conditions, and you competitors
- Review homework assignments related to the “operations” section of the business plan
Meeting #3 – Operations Plan
- Describe your core products and services
- Review your facility and equipment needs (including IT systems)
- Discuss your supply chain, inventory management needs, and distribution channels
- Develop a plan to continuously control quality and improve processes
- Review homework assignments related to the “human resources” section of the business plan
Meeting #4 – Human Resources Plan
- Review how your business will be organized (i.e. LLC) and describe the owner(s) of the business.
- Summarize the background on any key management staff (including the business owner if he will run day-to-day operations)
- Discuss staffing and training needs
- Describe any partnerships or collaborations that will be crucial to your company’s success
- Review homework assignments related to the “marketing and customer relations” section of the business plan
Meeting #5 – Marketing Plan
- Identify and describe your company’s target audience
- Develop your “unique value proposition” or competitive position
- Describe the unique features and benefits of what you sell and how you will manage the sales process
- Discuss branding, digital media, advertising, promotional strategy, and direct marketing tactics
- Address how you will network, engage with the local community, and manage public perception
- Review homework assignments related to the “finance” section of the business plan
Meeting #6 – Finance Plan
- Develop income and expense (cash flow) projections for the first three years of the business
- Identify your financial team and review accounting systems and processes
- Review relevant tax, insurance, and regulatory issues
- Develop credit and payment policies
- Discuss how profits will be distributed and what your exit plan is
Meeting #7 – Business Plan Finalization
- Final review of your entire business plan
- Review action plan for the first three months in business
- Prepare for loan office interview (if applicable)