The Community Navigator Program was created to help socially and economically disadvantaged business owners in Springfield, Ohio to the resources they need to start or grow their businesses.
What is the community navigator pilot program?
Through the Community Navigator Pilot Program, SBA is engaging with states, local governments, SBA resource partners, and other organizations in targeted outreach for small businesses in underserved communities.
The program offers funding to nonprofits, state and local governments, universities, and tribal entities to partner with SBA at the center of a hub and spoke network. These hubs then support spoke organizations – trusted, culturally knowledgeable local groups and individuals – who will connect to specific sectors of the entrepreneurial community to provide assistance during economic recovery, including:
- financial assistance and access to capital
- contracting and procurement
- marketing, operations, business development, and exporting
- Industry-specific training
Our Partners

OIC of Clark County
Entrepreneurs that are Returning Citizens
It’s no secret that ex-offenders face tremendous employment barriers. Because of this reality, many people with criminal backgrounds abandon the search for traditional jobs and instead start their own business to support themselves and their families. Quite often, these “side hustles” are not registered with the state and owners are reluctant to trust agencies to assist them with their less-than-legitimate companies for fear of getting in trouble. This hurt them when they weren’t able to tap into the pandemic financial assistance programs that were offered in 2020 and 2021. The Community Navigator embedded within OIC will work closely with the criminal justice system and ex-offenders to help them formalize their businesses and access much-needed resources.

Developmental Disabilities of Clark County
Entrepreneurs with Disabilities
Using this grant funding, Developmental Disabilities of Clark County will hire a Community Navigator who will not only reach out to business owners who have developmental disabilities, but also will forge relationships with other disability-related groups to spread awareness of available community resources in alignment with the pilot program. He or she will also ensure that information and training is culturally-sensitive and accessible to people who are visually or hearing-impaired. Beyond assisting existing business owners, this Community Navigator will also promote business ownership as a viable career path for people with disabilities who may have a hard time getting or keeping a typical job.

1159 South Community Development Corporation
Entrepreneurs in Southwest Springfield
The Community Navigator who ends up working within 1159 South Community Development Corporation will primarily be tasked with providing direct outreach to the 122 existing businesses located in their service area, as well as to the hundreds of people with side-hustles and small businesses who fly under the radar and are unknown to government agencies. He or she will gain their trust so that they can then poitn them to community and financial resources that can help the business owner establish their company legally and legitimately. Class and racial discrimination will be challenges this Navigator confronts on a daily basis.

Clark County Local Foods Council
Rural & Food-Related Entrepreneurs
The Community Navigator that the Local Food Council hires will provide a much-needed opportunity to directly engage with local farmers, ranchers, growers, and cottage goods providers, and will also encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to start new ventures within the local food economy. This particular Navigator will also be tasked with reaching out to entrepreneurs in the rural parts of Clark County, regardless of the type of business. This is an opportunity to serve as the first paid professional to work for this particular nonprofit organization, which means he or she will have the chance to make a tremendous difference in Clark County.

The Conscious Connect
Black Entrepreneurs
The Conscious Connect is a fairly new nonprofit organization who does what they do so that “zip codes do not define the success of children, youth, and families.” It seems fitting then that they will bring on a Community Navigator who will work with Black business owners and aspiring entrpreneurs to ensure that they get the same help and access to resources as any other business owner in the city. This Navigator will build on the many established relationships that the organization has with barbers, hair stylists, and other small business owners of color by encouraging them to use their influence to pass along information and referrals to their customers.

Welcome Springfield
Entrepreneurs who are Immigrants
The recent rhetoric surrounding immigration and refugees has become increasingly harsh, leaving many immigrant business owners reluctant to reach out for assistance in fear that they will be mistreated or worse. As the Community Navigator housed within Welcome Springfield, you will support Springfield’s growing immigrant population by ensuring that language-specific resources are developed and made available to the various groups of immigrants who have settled in our city. You’ll also provide direct outreach to business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and influential members of the various immigrant populations.

Del Pueblo, Inc
Hispanic and Latino Entrepreneurs
Del Pueblo serves the charitable and educational interests of the local Latino Community and facilitates positive interactions and activities between Spanish-speakers and the larger community. Their “La Conexion” bilingual information and referral service connects Spanish speaking clients to services and resources in the community. The Community Navigator housed at Del Pueblo will work hand-in-hand with La Conexion to ensure that business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs are well-served. After all, immigrants start a disproportionate number of businesses in the United States.

United Senior Services
Aging Entrepreneurs
For more than 53 years, United Seniors Services has been the leading advocate, community resource, and change agent for people age 55 and better across Clark County. In Springfield, there is simply no organization that is better connected and equipped to provide support and education to aging small business owners that may not be aware of the resources and programs that now exist to help them grow, maintain, or event wind down their companies. The Navigator housed within their organization will reach out ot aging business owners primarily by phone or in-person visits to these local businesses.